Hidden Riches: Well, they're technically not filthy rich per se, but the Hatogayas, despite "leeching" off of the Noharas, had money to blow on cell service (and videogames).One-off character: Parappa is not only the last character to be introduced on the Funimation dub (aside from Joel Sandmann), but he's a one-off character in the anime as a whole.Moving Overseas: "The Noharas are moving to Paris, Texas!" However, they don't move within the episode.

It didn't work, seeing how it was the last episode of the Funimation dub anyway. That's a Capital Idea: Shin thinks that Parappa was going to make his show renewed.To Riches and Back: Not exactly, but Parappa got a taste of Shin's life (which is almost the same as his own, except Shin's family is implied to be a little richer towards the end of the Funimation dub) and then went back to his own life.He once tried to get a kappa on TV by force. President of Everything: "I'm Joel Sandmann, president of television- yes, all television.".
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Cartoon Network Isn't Teletoon: Unlike other popular anime series (which have aired on YTV and its overnight block Bionix), the Funimation dub aired on what is now MTV2 in Canada.True ending: "Cancel a Shin", the final episode of the Funimation dub.Slice of Life: One of Japan's longest-running anime series with this genre.The only things that are obscure about this show are the Vitello and Phuuz dubs (in America). The anime has had three English dubs thus far. The manga/anime is about Shin, a boy who lives with his family. Japan's longest running Slice of Life anime series based off a manga (and one of the longest-running anime series in general). "What are they going to do to us? Send the American dub into obscurity like that rabbit?"