Torchlight game character building
Torchlight game character building

As they state on their website: “We work hard to look for the finest quality books without any religious influence.” Literature is used extensively, and books are chosen to promote the attitudes that Torchlight hopes to foster in children. Equality is one of the tenants we venture to exhibit throughout this curriculum.


A worldly approach full of logic, equality, and empathy. Torchlight supports the Golden Rule, kindness, exploration, questioning, and scientific thinking.

torchlight game character building

Torchlight takes a distinctively secular Socratic-inspired approach with Humanist underpinnings. Torchlight has philosophic underpinnings that are not dependent upon traditional religious beliefs. It has elements from classical, Charlotte Mason, and unit study approaches, although it is too eclectic to fit neatly into one of these styles. The approach is very eclectic with hands-on and experiential learning, integrated topics, real books, and some traditional academics. Torchlight is a literature-based, secular curriculum for pre-kindergarten through second grade.

torchlight game character building

  • Online Schools with Complete Programs and Courses: Secular.
  • Online Schools with Complete Programs and Courses: Religious.
  • Standardized and Special Needs Testing Products.
  • torchlight game character building

  • Reading and Phonics Parent Resources and Other Helps.
  • Publishers Offering Courses for Many Languages.
  • Ungraded, Multi-level Resources - Composition.
  • Ungraded, Multi-level Resources - Grammar.
  • Ungraded, Multi-level Resources - Comprehensive.
  • Bible & Religion Parent & Family Resources.

  • Torchlight game character building